Sunday, February 21, 2016

Goulbourn Settlement

21 February 2016
Surname B  [4 of 4]
Buckley, Timothy  Con 10, Lot 2W  31 May 1836
       1851 Cen. Prescott Town  age 65,
        wife and 6 children.   p,14d,15a,(29)
Burke, George  Con 2, Lot 14S  3 March 1828
                          Murray St. Lot 10W
         MUC  pg 8;  CCCBk many entries, as a witness
Burke, James H. Murray St. Lot 5E 28 Jan 1834
          CCCBk. #692,700, ++
Burke, James  Cockburn St. Lot 6E  28 Jan 1834
          Many entries, possibly as a witness
          CCCBk. #5, 11 ++ (Both James' maybe the
                                           same person??)
Burke, Michael  Cockburn St. Lot 9W 4 Feb 1834
          MUC pg 8, 13;  CCCBk 11, 12 ++
          Many entries, possibly a witness
Burke, Milo  Murray St. Lot 6E  28 Jan 1834
          CCCBk. 365 ++, possibly a witness
Note; I believe the Burke's above are all
          related and sons of George Thew Burke
Burrows, James  Con. 4, Lot 3E  20 Aug. 1828
         MUC pg 13; CCCBk 166, 755 ++
         1851 Cen. p.9d,10a,(19) Nepean Twp.
Burwell, William  Con. 6, Lot 9E  24 Jul 1822
         1851 Cen. Horton Twp. Renfrew Co.
         Nil, Wm; wife Elizabeth age 56 and
         son John, age 26, born Goulbourn Twp
         p. 12d,13a,(25)
This is the last entry of Surname B, about 38 names
March will contain surname C

29 Feb 2016 is a leap year/day and I will add
some info/data then.  1460 days till 2020/2/29.

21 February 1916
 The long and extremely costly Battle
of Verdun begins.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Goulbourn Settlement

Surname B  [3rd of 4]
Brannagn, William  Con.6, Lot 11W  29 Mar 1825
      Farms and Families Pg 199; CCCbk #25 +
      1861 Census, Nil
Breadon, John  Con 9, Lot 10W  20 May 1824
      1861 census; Breadon, Wm. at York Co. age 61?
Brooke, John  Con. 5, Lot 5W  9 Sept 1825
      CCCBk  #29, 88+
      1861 Cen.  Brooke, Wm. at Perth age 64?
Brownley, Alex  Con 5, Lot 14E  1 May 1828
      CCCBk 156, 281+  No additional info/data
Brownlee, Jab? Jas, Con 5, Lot 15W  20 May 1824
      CCCBk 826+
      1851 Cen. Goulbourn, p.43d, 44a, (87), age 60
Brownley, James Sr. Con. 5, Lot 21W  1 May 1828
      No data. 17 persons with this name
Brownly, Robert  Con. 5, Lot 15E  1 May 1828
      CCCBk #553+  11 persons this name
      1851 Cen. Marlborough Twp. age 42 + 4 children
Brownly, Thomas  con. 5, Lot 12W  30 Sept 1822
      CCCBk #512  7 persons this name
Brownly, William  Con 3, Lot 21E  6 May 1828
      15 persons this name.
      1851 Cen. Goulbourn Twp. p.49d,50a (99)
Brush, John  Con 1, Lot 7W  19 July 1828
      CCCBk 160
      1851 Cen. Burgess Twp. p.3d,4a,(7) age 72
Buckley, James  Con. 12, L1W  31 May 1836
      CCCBk #1523
      Widow Honora, wife, Perth, Lanark Co. age 44

Note  CCCBk is Carleton County Copy Books.
         There are 5 of them at Ottawa City Archives
        4th listing next week for a total of 38 B names

Monday, February 8, 2016

Goulbourn Settlement

8 February 2016   [2 of 4]
continued from 2 Feb 2016
Bennett, John Con 5, Lot 21S  27 Jun 1856 ?
        MUC pg 13 #47 age 27
        CCCBk  memorial 333 ++
        1851 Cen. lv Bytown, West Ward, shoemaker
           with wife, only.
Birch, George Con. 7, Lot 1W  16 Jun 1828
       1851 Cen. lv Goulb age 32, wife Ann, 27
Birch, Robert* Con. 1, Lot 6E  20 May 1824
        CCCBk Memorial 628+
        1851 Cen. lv Richmond, cordwainer
                 b. Ire. age 69. wife Eleanor
Birch, Thomas Con. 6, Lot3W 2 April 1828
                 b. Ire age 32. w. Jane age 25
Blair, James  Con. 11, Lot 25W 10 Jun 1828
          1851 Cen lv Fitzroy Twp. age 28
          b. Glasgow, Scot. w. Mary, b. Perth age 32
Bleeks, Thomas  Con. 5, Lot 18W
          MUC pg9, #54 age 29 Goulb. Nil 1851 Cen
          Note Surname is spelled Bleex
Bradley, Jacob* Con. 11, Lot25W  24 Oct 1821
         MUC pg 10 age 25, 9 children, 1 set of twins
         1851 Cen. b. Ire age 50, wife Ann age 44
Bradley, Joshua*  Con.11, Lot 29W 24 Oct 1821
         1851 Cen, b. Ire age 45, w. Lucy b Ire age 39
Bradley, Samuel Con.11, Lot 18E 26 May 1829
        MUC pg 106 Lanark Co #17
Bradley, William* Sr. Con. 11, Lot 28E 24 Oct 1821
        MUC pg 10 #234 [givens William Browne]
        b. USA, to Goulb. with 104th Reg't. After service
         in War of 1812. Moved to Haldimand Twp
        1851 Cen. p,7d,8a (23)
Bradley, William * Jr. Con,11, Lot 28E  21 Feb 1828
       MUC pg 165 #167
NOTE * after given name indicates a family history in
Goulbourn Historical Society's Library in the
Stittsville Public Library.
Farms and Families also has some family's history.
MUC indicates a publication, 'Men of Upper Canada
Militia Nominal Rolls, 1828-1829' The index included
is from page 245 to page 356, 4 columns per page and
a total of 27,000 males of Upper Canada are mentioned
on outside back cover.
Part 3 of 4 next week.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Goulbourn Settlement

2 February 2016
Settlers Surname B  [1 of 4]
Baggs, John  1851 Census Richmond p.3,4a,(7)
  Tailor, age 35, b. Ire. Lv. Richmond, wife
   & 5 children
Bail, Benjamin  1828 in Goulbourn; on TONI
    Con. 11, Lot 30W  4 Jul 1828
    in CCCBks, sold Memorial 64 3 Oct 1826
Baird, Daniel  1851 Census, age 64, Torbolton
   Twp. p.3d,4a, (7);  wife and 10 children
    in CCCBks, Memorial 1158++
   Perth St. Lot4; Lennox St E, Lot 11, 1 Feb 1834
Balmer, Robert 1820 & 1821 Census in Hull
    1851 Cen.? age 79, b. England, lv Peterboro Co.
Bassett, Edward  Con.11, Lot 26E 24 Oct 1821
    in CCCBks Memorial 926;
Beattie, Patrick  Con 9, Lot 13W  11 Jun 1828
    in 1822 Census, only record found.
Bell, Hugh  Con. 11, Lot 18E   26 Aug 1829
   1851 Cen. Nepean; age 54, wife and 3 children
    in CCCBks Memorial 165, 233 and 245
Bell, James  Con. 11, Lot 31W  3 Feb 1827
    in CCCBks  Memorial 119 and 136++
Bell, Thomas  Con. 1, Lot 25E  24 May 1822
    in CCCBks  Memorial 661
NOTE  CCCBks is a ref to Carleton County
   Copy Books, held in Ottawa City Archives
   Book 1 contains Memorials 1 to 80
   Book 2 contains Memorials 81 to 312
   Book 3 contains Memorials 313 to 606
   Book 4 contains Memorials 607 to 2184
       and is a BIG book
   Book 5  more later This is BIG also and I indexed
    this one myself. data on branch computer. Books
    1-4 have a paper index in the Archives
Will list part 2 next week (there are 38 [B] names)